
Fitness Kickboxing/ CrossPit

Our Fitness Kickboxing/ CrossPit classes give an introduction to Kickboxing while providing an intense and challenging workout. Fitness Kickboxing is non-contact students will only be striking bags or pads. Workouts are basically devised of a 10 minute warm-up session followed by a 15 minute bag/ pad session and concluded with a 10 to 15 minute conditioning set. Each class and coach is a little different offering a wide variety of workouts throughout the week. These classes have been extremely effective in aiding our students in weight loss, increase of lean muscle and cardiovascular endurance. Classes are 45 minutes long, there is no equipment required, however we recommend bringing your own hand wraps and boxing gloves.

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Grappling/ Jiujitsu

Our Grappling/ Jiujitsu classes teach the fundamentals of ground fighting with an in depth emphasis on No Gi- Brazillian Jiujitsu, Freestyle Wrestling and some basic aspects of Judo. These classes teach the individual to fight in any aspect of ground fighting; taking their opponent to the ground, moving to a dominant position and submitting their opponent using leverage and technique. These classes are generally 45 minutes to an hour. They do not require any equipment or experience.

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Pit Pee Wees

Our Pit Pee Wees program is for kids ages 4 to 8, and introduces the basics of self defense, discipline, physical fitness and mental toughness to our young students. Students are introduced to the basic concepts of wrestling/ grappling, striking and physical endurance. The coaches instill discipline both in the gym, at school and at home in these youngsters. They also have fun playing games such as Sumo, Sharks and Pit Soccer. The classes meet twice a week and each class is 45 min long. The class does require a Gi, gloves, shin guards and headgear which may be purchased at the gym.

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Pit Kids

Our Pit Kids program is for children 9 to 14. The kids are taught more advanced techniques of self defense and are introduced to in depth concepts of Hawaiian Kempo, Jiujitsu, Freestyle Wrestling and Kickboxing. It is in these classes where a stronger emphasis is placed on perfect technique, aggressiveness and physical fitness. The class meets twice a week and classes are typically an hour long, there is also an invite only sparring class for advanced students which is typically 45 minutes long. This class requires a Gi, gloves, shin guards, head gear and a mouth guard which can be purchased at the gym.

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Hawaiian Kempo

Our premiere self defense course at the Pit North is Hawaiian Kempo. Hawaiian Kempo is a hybrid combat art designed by John Hackleman. John Hackleman stripped down parts of KaJuKemBo and streamlined it to be more effective for street and competition fighting. Hawaiian Kempo combines the most effective techniques of Karate, Juijitsu, Judo, Boxing and Kickboxing with an enormous emphasis on physical conditioning. Students will be taught all aspects of fighting and will feel confident fighting on the feet or ground.